You have great ideas — but they’re just not landing with your colleagues. What can you do to communicate your thoughts more effectively? Here are three strategies to ensure your ideas resonate with any audience.
- Think small. Ask yourself: “What’s one idea I can sell to my audience (peer, client, boss, or team) in our next meeting?” You may feel eager to present several options at once, but resist the temptation. Choose your best idea and aim for a small, simple win. It will carry you forward, helping you build momentum and credibility until you’re ready to share the next idea…and then the next.
- Keep it brief. Think 10 minutes or less. It’s safe to assume that your audience’s bandwidth is limited. Cut down your presentation into one big headline and two or three supporting points. This keeps their attention and makes you refine your ideas to their core (and ultimately most effective) points.
- Remember that it’s not about you. Pitching great ideas isn’t about advancing your own interests—it’s about advancing the team. Put your ego and ambition aside, consider what the team needs, and deliver your idea in a way that the audience will understand.
HBR Aug 2023