The recruitment world has changed. The workforce has changed. We have all changed. So why are companies still using the same old recruitment processes that they have used for years? Or adding in a bit of AI software that they think is going to revolutionise how and who they recruit? The traditional task based, send-a-CV methods no longer work and in fact, could be costing you and your business excess time, money and importantly, bad hires and unacceptable attrition rates.
Recruitment needs to start from the inside of your business and needs to be stripped right back to the core. It is a highly relational, personal process and it is called Talent Management for a reason. Recruitment is just one part of a sophisticated employer branding exercise and it won’t work without building a process that involves deep recognition and understanding of the whole talent management cycle as an emotional journey.
There are many important factors to designing and building a successful recruitment and succession plan and here’s a quick overview of what you should consider:
- The Company
Consider the values, mission and goals of your company. Who are you and what do you stand for? What are your key products and who are you main customers? If you don’t know, then you are never going to get past first post. Recognising culture and fit is a fundamental part of how you project your company in the market and attract the right candidates to your business.
- Your strategy
You need to align the company strategy carefully with who you are bringing on board and what you see for the future. If you bring on people whose values don’t align to yours, then you are on another road to disaster. Yes it’s great to have a wide range of skills and ideas to encourage innovation but if you take on a team of mavericks, it’s never going to work. EDI policies help to ensure you have the wides range of knowledge of skills and you can work these closely alongside your company strategy.
- The Recruitment Process
So you have now gone through your company audit and identified who you are and what you want to do. Now comes the most difficult part and that’s where many businesses fall down.
Not enough time, effort or thought goes in to how this is going to work and what impact your process will have on who you attract to your business and fundamentally, how long they are going to stay.
It’s not enough to say you are going to put aside an hour here or a half day here to do interviews and that will be ok. You need to live this process and understand that without the right staff, you most likely won’t have the right business.
Review your whole process and think about how you would see your company if you were on the other side, as a potential employee.
Recruitment now faces greater challenges than ever before and people’s expectations have changed.
AI is a great tool for us all but don’t let that lead you into a false feeling of employer lethargy.
Show potential, and current, employees that you really value them as a human being and make your whole recruitment and training processes enjoyable and worthwhile. Don’t just assume because someone is looking for a job that they are going to hang around and wait for your job offer either. Today’s employees are quite clear about who they want to work for and if you don’t fit their ideals, you will lose out on the greatest skills.
Diane Southwick MSc, FCILT
Copyright © 2024 DSA Executive
Diane is MD of DSA Executive and has over 30 years’ experience in senior management and executive recruitment. Diane, along with her professional associates, can provide advice and consultancy services across the whole talent management cycle. She is also an experienced and qualified coach and mentor working with individuals and businesses in the workplace across all industries with a specific knowledge of transport, logistics, non-profit, manufacturing and privately owned businesses undergoing strategic change.
Contact Diane:
DSA offer a wide range of talent acquisition and talent management services tailored to suit all businesses from start-up and SME to large nationals.
We believe that AI should be used to enhance the human experience, not replace it. That’s why our process in driven by humans and supported with the latest AI technology. That gives the best experience and the greatest innovation and time/cost benefits.
We work closely with you to ensure every plan is designed personally to suit your company size, budget and goals moving forward.
See here for more details and to request an initial free no obligation talent management overview.
Copyright © 2024 DSA Executive